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venerdì 17 agosto 2012

Blue Nile State probems of war?

Last Updated: 20/05/2012 - Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan - Sudan - South Sudan - Omar al-Bashir
Sudan: the forgotten revolution in the Blue Nile
May be the voices of the drums of war that knocks between the State of Sudan and Southern Sudan is higher than all else of the votes. But in the Sudan conflict beyond material interests and wealth-sharing, the problem of vehicle and complex intertwined with racist Arabism and Islam. In Sudan, the Sudan are fighting to achieve a new multi-respecting the rights of all Muslims and non-Muslim movement called "revolutionary front" and includes the different movements that seek to change the rule. It is the story of a revolution in the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains and Southern Kordofan. Andrea James / Shady Shalala (video)
Andrea James / Shalala Shady / Franz 24 (text) Property Owner President Sudanese Revolutionary Front France24

Six in the morning we leave the State of South Sudan in the direction of Blue Nile State, where fresh fighting since September / September last between fighters of the Revolutionary Front, which seeks to change the regime in Khartoum and the government army. Walk in a secret way to express and winding border. After entering the territory of Sudan, the Revolutionary Front guerrillas disguise the white car to avoid aerial bombardment by the forces of al-Bashir
Bumpy road constructed these fighters after the recent fighting under cover of darkness to bring supplies and weapons in secret and out of sight of the army. Striking convoy patrol of the rebels back from the front commanders exchange information and describes the situation there, the unit commander Palmosawi bad. Khartoum used aircraft to terrorize the citizens, hundreds of thousands of civilians are paying the price collapse of the truce and worsen the humanitarian crisis significantly. In the way more refugees narrowed their ways and were forced to flee.
As we proceed in the direction of the front sight has become more arid villages. War left its mark here, some abandoned houses and a devastating fire devoured others, about a hundred thousand of the population of Blue Nile State have become refugees in South Sudan, Ethiopia, tens of thousands have taken refuge in remote areas and in forests within the state.

In light of water scarcity, food villages and farms have become the seat of the fighters. We reach the line of contact is implemented fighters prevalent in the sector for fear of infiltration of the army. We are just minutes away from the last lines of defense of the Sudanese army. These cars burning of the Army is the last line of advanced fighters destroyed in the fighting on the road towards the city of generosity in late June, is a war sites interspersed with sporadic clashes and continuous use of the Air Force by the Sudanese army. Interruption of supplies and supply increases the difficulty of this war, and fighters are forced to bury their dead sometimes on the battlefield.

City has become the cornerstone of generosity in the battle of blown up version of the settlement between Khartoum and the Revolutionary Front .900 fighters deployed from the front on the outskirts of the city, since its fall can not treat the wounded who are being transferred long distances to field hospitals.

By the division of Sudan to the State of South Sudan and Sudan was the these soldiers in the south, fighting alongside the SPLA in order to achieve equality in the New Sudan, these fighters who have helped their brothers in the south and found themselves in an area belonging administratively to the State of the north, which asked them to lay down their arms and leave their land in Blue Nile .. They decided to continue the fight against Khartoum

At the head of the Revolutionary Front. This man, the owner of the property and a former minister in Khartoum and to the Blue Nile, one of the heroes of the revolution in the South, since 1984, enjoys great popularity enabled him to become a leader of movements that seek to change the government in Khartoum and the defense of diversity and the rights of blacks who did not find a place for them in the state wanted Omar Bashir, Arab and Muslim. Last September issued a decision to dismiss Omar al-Bashir from his property and the expulsion of his fighters collapsed settlement.

In order to achieve this opportunity RUF fighters were able to get a huge military arsenal of Russian-made tanks T-fifty-five and anti-aircraft and heavy artillery and they put their hand in the battles against the army. Before the war was one of the largest market Yabous markets in the Blue Nile which all goods and approach her population from different regions of the shop today, where he remained Mhlan two. Marzouk accompany us to the forest that are sheltering his family and depends on the way to shows us the effects left by the aerial bombardment
In this forest. An hour and a half hours on foot Marzouk family lives under the tent of straw. Difficult conditions will increase with the approach of the rainy season, which will transform the land into swamps.

Gold Blue Nile costing people their lives
In the Yabous border with Ethiopia, did not find people a refuge from the bombing continued, which are exposed to it by the Sudanese army, the only solution left for them to extract small amounts of gold, digging the earth with their hands and machines primitive, staying under the ground in spite of the seriousness of the collapse of the soil, many were killed or injured for the gold dust they use for food and water swap or sell in Ethiopia.

After extracting the soil in the river are screening dozens of women work with their children in order to purified.

It is the story of displaced people living in the home in the woods about an hour from his village destroyed and waiting for the rainy season, which may lead to the dumping place and around the Earth to the swamps, while Bashir's government banned humanitarian organizations from being present there, or even the transfer of aid to the Blue Nile.

 Having lost all the resources of livestock and cultivation of the people took refuge Yabous to this place, where the land is rich in gold-digging the earth with their hands and primitive tools to unload tens of meters under the ground and accidents are many and frequent. Transferred to the soil to the river purified to screening .... Hours of hard work to find small amounts of yellow metal, after the extraction of gold transferred to Ethiopia or are exchanged quantities of food. Is the only solution for these families are under siege imposed by Khartoum, which prevented humanitarian organizations from operating in the Blue Nile and expelled all of their employees.

In the nine months of fighting did not move the mobile lines of defense and confrontation, and in spite of the prospects for peace .... But this peace will not be achieved without the landlord and the forty thousand fighters who refuse to be called a state or an Islamic Arab country to become a revolution ..... Revolution forgotten in the Blue Nile

We ask you kind attention to donate the sum of 5$ to the Blue Nile State through the IBAN :-
IBAN IT 25 E 36000 03200 0CA005733249
The Refugees of Blue Nile State. We thank you in advace