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giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Intefada, Revolution of the Sudanese People.


«Intifada protected» is on the table and the public is able to protect its revolution .. Khatib: We are working to incite and organize the masses to overthrow the rescue.
"Mohamed Mokhtar Al-Khatib"

08-17-2012 01:05 AM
Ahmed Younis

Description of the Sudanese Communist Party secretary Muhammad Mukhtar al-Khatib, the demonstrations taking place in Sudan as «early» political action aimed at overthrowing the rule of President Omar al-Bashir. He told «Middle East» that his party seeks to «overthrow the regime» and rejects any calls for change and bring about reforms in part, because the change ignores the essence of the case and stop at the shape. He added that his party created the «operating room» to organize demonstrations, and the face of its rules and its organizations to lead the mass movement to overthrow the regime and the establishment of a democratic alternative.

Khatib explained «relative dormancy» witnessed by the protests that moves a case of a revolution that does not go in a straight line rising one.

He revealed that the forces of national consensus after the signing of a document «Democratic Alternative» sign within a period not exceeding two weeks «Constitutional Declaration», which governs the transition period. He scoffed at warnings of al-Khatib utter chaos and the collapse of the state if the fall of the regime, and considered propaganda broadcast by the system, because the masses have been demonstrating for more than a month there have been a mess, and the armed movements, including the «Revolutionary Front» vowed to lay down their weapons as soon as the fall of the regime. The following is the text of the interview:

* How do you see what is happening, whether it was an uprising, or revolt, or just a demonstration of demands .. And where it can be up this movement ..?

- Started protests against the removal of subsidies on fuel, and soon raised the ceiling of its demands for «overthrow the regime», because the protesters did not see a way out of the impasse and solve the general crisis in the country, only to drop the system, are the beginnings of a political action designed to overthrow the regime, and political action and struggle do not go in a straight line, it was just taking and Scona, or may decline.

* See that the position of youth activists of opposition parties was less than expected, and that the Communist Party still suffers «Islamophobia» movement experience (July 19, 1971), so distanced his leadership and the basic weight of demonstrations at this stage «fear» it ..?

- There is the Communist Party in the heart of popular demonstrations, and work rules and its cadres among the masses for organizing and inciting it to come out to overthrow the regime through peaceful mass action, because it is the only means available to the country out of its crisis. We are located in neighborhoods, regions, cities and rural areas, so all the cities of Sudan participated in the demonstrations almost.

* Is leadership of the Party issued clear instructions to its bases and its cadres and its membership to participate in these demonstrations, or whether it is linked to individual initiatives from some of the membership of the party ..?

- Remove the data and the party meetings and established the «operating room» of the demonstrations.

Q: What is this assessment of your operations room for «latency of the current revolution», is «silent revolution» in Ramadan, or because of the large numbers of detainees, or due to enter «Some parties» seen by the demonstrators that they are trying to rob a «revolution»?

- As I said, revolutions are not going in a straight line rising only could see a «gift» followed by silence, and add to its growing numbers of new fans them out of their homes to the streets, and this is what drove the forces of national consensus to develop a vision of a democratic alternative to this system.

* The positions of the forces of national consensus varied, ranging from the call to overthrow the regime, and «change», and some see this in one of the factors which have paralyzed the popular movements ..

- Normal to vary the positions of these forces stretching from left to right, so we seek to program «minimum» agreed upon by everyone, and we agreed as «minimum» is a program of post-drop system, and should be accompanied by «Declaration of constitutional» governs the period transition, and because of the differing views that the party leaders «a committee of five», including the Communist Party, to reconcile the views to reach a minimum, and this committee is about to complete its work, and will announce the signing of «the Constitutional Declaration» in the near future.

* How Tovqon between the call for change, and invite the projection?

- The idea of ​​«change» are common even within the system and within the ruling National Congress Party itself, but want to change in part and make repairs formality in the system, there are opposition parties are consistent with the call to change the formal, «democratic freedoms», and the survival of general policies of the system because it has an interest in its survival. It also adopts this view «United States of America» and behind the international community, because it believes in the survival of this system service policies and interests and objectives in the region, and the forces that see the need to overthrow the regime «Sudanese Communist Party, the Popular Congress Party, the people that came out in the demonstrations and faced severe system hardware and violence, the masses of the National Umma Party »you see the need to overthrow the regime.

We do not mind a change, but we will make no concessions, and we are changing the balance of power in favor of the masses.

* Is said to be the forces of «national consensus» bought «saddle» before the horse, and jumped to the stage after the overthrow of the system, without talking about how to overthrow the existing system ..

- The cards in the program clearly how to overthrow this system, through the demonstration and the popular uprising.

Q: What is the expected scenarios of change, is it known scenario Sudanese «popular uprising and civil disobedience», or the various scenarios brought about by the «Arab spring» ..?

- Sudan's privacy, Vslah «popular uprising and civil disobedience» weapon tested, the change does not happen the same way revolutions in October 1964, and April 1985, because the circumstances differ, but remain the Intifada and the strike, the primary means.

* National Umma Party and the forces for change warns of dangers of lawlessness, and violence scenario could lead to the collapse of the state .. How serious these fears?

- Not with this vision, and confirms the correctness of our position that the Sudanese people came out in all parts of the country, has had no vandalism of state property or private property, or any chaos despite the exit of the masses to the streets.

* There are new variants of Sudan since the previous uprisings.

- Variable is the new opposition forces carrying weapons, has pledged to stop the war and collect the weapon in her hand as soon as the fall of this system, so any fears of chaos is not mentioned, it promotes the idea of ​​intimidation, insecurity is the system and the media machine.

* Is the communication between the forces of national consensus and the armed movements to sign the Charter, or will sign the Charter on Civil and opposition forces alone?

- We sent them to the program to review it and sign it, but more importantly, in my estimation is the «Constitutional Declaration», which determines how the rule of Sudan in the interim period.

Once you agree on a declaration of constitutional delegation will travel from the forces of national consensus to meet with organizations «Revolutionary Front» for Tfakr around him, has voiced readiness to sign in advance.

* Said the forces of national consensus that the delay is due constitutional declaration of its desire to consult with the RUF, is this true or objections to the leadership of the National Umma Party, are the cause of delay signing?

- I am a member of the Commission reconcile the different views within the forces of national consensus, and almost the Commission to reach a vision agreed, and ended the discussion visions of the National Umma Party, and subject to visions of People's Congress for discussion and will be announced the signing of «the Constitutional Charter» in the near future.

* What time remaining term of the agreement on the Charter?

- Will not take more than two weeks, and before the signing will be before the other powers, especially the «Revolutionary Front».

* Conflicting information about the agreement the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan to resume the export of oil south on the price of a barrel of oil, how the Communist understand this?

- All authorities announced reaching an agreement, under international pressure based on the decision of the Security Council (2046), but it seems that details of the agreement will not be announced until after the agreement on the remaining issues, and postponed the announcement to 28 September for the meeting of Presidents of both countries to find solutions on the issue of «Abyei» , and then be signed on the rest of the conventions, and this confusion is due to a lack of trust between the two governments.

* Is the agreement will contribute to alleviate the economic hardship on the northern government and the opposition lost card «economic crisis» and its role in inciting the people to overthrow the system?

- The crisis of the system is not an economic crisis, but the general crisis reached the stage of the war in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile, and the worsening of living conditions, collapsed capital projects such as «project island», and privatization of the government and then sold, a crisis of the systemic crisis, more exacerbated by the terms of exchange when form of government and management of state resources are known.

* There are calls for «uprising protected», such as the seriousness of these calls, and can lead the country into a violent change scenarios, such as in Libya, and what is happening now in Syria?

- Intifada protected option not on the cards now, but the masses according to the evolution of the Intifada and the handling of the system with it, you might consider how to defend themselves.

* «Protected by armed uprising» .. Especially after using the security agencies of excessive force with the demonstrators in the city «Nyala» ..

- It depends on the reaction of the government and its dealings with these demonstrations, call now to the peaceful uprising and the work of a peaceful rally.

* How behaving if the government resorted to excessive violence with the demonstrators?

- The masses know how to protect themselves.

* 4 months and you, general secretary of the Communist Party of Sudan's successor to the late «Mohammed Ibrahim criticism», and more than forty years since the death of «Abd al-Khaliq Mahgoub», and the controversy revolves around «the will of Abdul Khaliq», where this commandment Will leave you a «cash» other commandment?

- I do not know commandment by Abdul-Khaliq, and did not receive any commandment of Muhammad Ibrahim criticism because we are a democratic party does not work in ways Commandments.

* You say that he is being prepared for the Sixth Conference of the Communist Party of Sudan, when held?

- Conference will be held in the early (2013), and will cost the next Central Committee meeting «preparatory committee» and committees reporting to the Conference discussed with the rules and party cadres, we are dedicated to the Sixth Congress in a timely manner.

* Such as the Fifth Conference there was controversy about the theory and practice amounted to a claim for some b «change» the party's name .. Will this controversy within the agenda of the Sixth Conference?

- Opened a public debate in the party after the collapse of the Soviet Union and was attended by the party Ptnzimath democracy, to answer why the Soviet Union collapsed?, And the resolution of the Fifth Conference debates consistently adopt the Marxist theory and approach, and confirm that the party, a class named «Sudanese Communist Party», and the groups that calls for the party « Wide »within streams, and they change the name of the party« minority »saves the party have a right to their views inside trading.

Middle East

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