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venerdì 31 agosto 2012
Blue Nile Province - FUNJ TRIBE: Exit for Migration arrived to an unprecedented num...
Blue Nile Province - FUNJ TRIBE: Exit for Migration arrived to an unprecedented num...: Where are the poor people I can not see them of them under your feet .................azim But morality men narrowing .. E...
Exit for Migration arrived to an unprecedented number.
Where are the poor people I can not see them of them under your feet .................azim
But morality men narrowing .. Exit for Migration arrived to an unprecedented number
08-31-2012 12:18 AM
Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh
Head of the device expatriates in Sudan that the number of Sudanese citizens who frequent the device to get an exit visa for migration to work abroad after being given employment contracts in foreign countries reached unprecedented number; since they abstract every day three thousand exit visa with similar mass migration.
Have combined various factors in the forefront of the economic crisis and the decline in the real value of wages due to the devaluation of the Sudanese currency, in addition to the frustration and political state of siege that يحسها citizens before the reality of growing every day strained - all make Sudan طاردا to his sons in an unprecedented way - I have the oldest Sudanese into exile in search for work in decades, but the situation has now reached the stage of attrition overall manpower, immigration has affected all segments of the Sudanese people ranging from university professors and all of professionals and skilled employment ended. It immigration compelling for the minds and competencies and the nation in dire need of them, but is unable to provide them with the lowest levels of a decent life safe, stable and minimum income material that meets their needs necessary they see Episode narrowing every day and dealing with the state as subjects not citizens with all the rights of citizenship.
There is no doubt that it is the right of those citizens to survive on their own deteriorating reality and try to find an opportunity to work under a better atmosphere and more wages to meet their needs, and they can try to part of their income to help their families at home. This is a legitimate right of every citizen homeland not narrowed his family but morality men narrowing of ill-treatment and the loser is the nation that lacks give their and their efforts at this stage the dark, and will continue to look forward to the day back when Sudan to its previous status stable, secure and prosperous, where people are citizens not subjects of their rights guaranteed and services are available to them and employment absorbed in the spaciousness. And has drawn phenomenon escalating rates of migration of sight since long professors significantly until the number of immigrants of them in the first quarter of this year six hundred professor I have no doubt that the number has exceeded a thousand now with the increasing need of Arab Universities to experience the Sudanese and their knowledge, and I've tried university professors in various the roads drawing the attention of officials to address their situation without financial succeed in this, and here's the Union of Workers in the most prestigious universities in the Sudan (Khartoum University) declare a labor strike the middle of this week, demanding arrears of salaries and not upwards!!
To make matters bitterness that one sees in front of small groups have a lot of money anonymous Weservon in consumer spending Altfajra and Atolun in architecture without asking any one of them, where did you get this? And the few who exposed her and it was said that being with them in the investigation of corruption cases in their cases the income of that investigation in the basements did not come out and will not come out! I started disparities between the haves and have-nots is expanding and growing so استحالت now isthmus separating the two worlds: the world of its members enjoy access to unlimited unidentified and the world of his family can not find a living, nor can any society whatever the degree of interdependence that potentially this division fission among the few have everything and the majority do not have anything.
It is unfortunate that the phenomenon of mass migration, which is these days do not preoccupy officials do not push them to think about the root causes and consequences of the reality of working in Sudan, nor in the vacuum successor who Stmlah unskilled labor are included from neighboring countries - as seen now - no one looking for The results of this attrition compulsive Sudanese manpower but all what they think that these expatriates will become a source of foreign currency flowing into Sudan to contribute to get him out of and Hdth. This goal is not good if the country issued their labor surplus out of the crisis, but the country's migration affects men desperately needs to be to them in the area of national production and basic services including education, health and others. It is a crisis not find Jie!
08-31-2012 12:18 AM
Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh
Head of the device expatriates in Sudan that the number of Sudanese citizens who frequent the device to get an exit visa for migration to work abroad after being given employment contracts in foreign countries reached unprecedented number; since they abstract every day three thousand exit visa with similar mass migration.
Have combined various factors in the forefront of the economic crisis and the decline in the real value of wages due to the devaluation of the Sudanese currency, in addition to the frustration and political state of siege that يحسها citizens before the reality of growing every day strained - all make Sudan طاردا to his sons in an unprecedented way - I have the oldest Sudanese into exile in search for work in decades, but the situation has now reached the stage of attrition overall manpower, immigration has affected all segments of the Sudanese people ranging from university professors and all of professionals and skilled employment ended. It immigration compelling for the minds and competencies and the nation in dire need of them, but is unable to provide them with the lowest levels of a decent life safe, stable and minimum income material that meets their needs necessary they see Episode narrowing every day and dealing with the state as subjects not citizens with all the rights of citizenship.
There is no doubt that it is the right of those citizens to survive on their own deteriorating reality and try to find an opportunity to work under a better atmosphere and more wages to meet their needs, and they can try to part of their income to help their families at home. This is a legitimate right of every citizen homeland not narrowed his family but morality men narrowing of ill-treatment and the loser is the nation that lacks give their and their efforts at this stage the dark, and will continue to look forward to the day back when Sudan to its previous status stable, secure and prosperous, where people are citizens not subjects of their rights guaranteed and services are available to them and employment absorbed in the spaciousness. And has drawn phenomenon escalating rates of migration of sight since long professors significantly until the number of immigrants of them in the first quarter of this year six hundred professor I have no doubt that the number has exceeded a thousand now with the increasing need of Arab Universities to experience the Sudanese and their knowledge, and I've tried university professors in various the roads drawing the attention of officials to address their situation without financial succeed in this, and here's the Union of Workers in the most prestigious universities in the Sudan (Khartoum University) declare a labor strike the middle of this week, demanding arrears of salaries and not upwards!!
To make matters bitterness that one sees in front of small groups have a lot of money anonymous Weservon in consumer spending Altfajra and Atolun in architecture without asking any one of them, where did you get this? And the few who exposed her and it was said that being with them in the investigation of corruption cases in their cases the income of that investigation in the basements did not come out and will not come out! I started disparities between the haves and have-nots is expanding and growing so استحالت now isthmus separating the two worlds: the world of its members enjoy access to unlimited unidentified and the world of his family can not find a living, nor can any society whatever the degree of interdependence that potentially this division fission among the few have everything and the majority do not have anything.
It is unfortunate that the phenomenon of mass migration, which is these days do not preoccupy officials do not push them to think about the root causes and consequences of the reality of working in Sudan, nor in the vacuum successor who Stmlah unskilled labor are included from neighboring countries - as seen now - no one looking for The results of this attrition compulsive Sudanese manpower but all what they think that these expatriates will become a source of foreign currency flowing into Sudan to contribute to get him out of and Hdth. This goal is not good if the country issued their labor surplus out of the crisis, but the country's migration affects men desperately needs to be to them in the area of national production and basic services including education, health and others. It is a crisis not find Jie!
08-31-2012 05:29 AM
Aden surprised philanthropist Yemeni Bnqad ideals famous "do good and cast it into the sea," when he stumbled on the handbag Women's expensive content lost girl in a park in Eden, and when he took it back to the accompanied surprised reward did not notify his pal, where initiated and the girl's father marry her off to him penalty rare honesty!
Old girl (25 years old), who lost her purse in the hustle of the park in which it had been for a good time on vacation, you do not know that it will return to the bag will become her husband along the lines of Indian romantic movies.
Musharraf said the park and handsome Odaini "The young and hip Khaliq Nasir (35 years) of the sons of Taiz found leather bag containing gold jewelry and money in the yard amusement children hours after informing the girl's father Mansour al-Absi (75 years) for the loss of bag his daughter."
He added in a statement to the official Yemeni media "that the young man got the girl's father did not expect reward, where the latter announced his engagement to his daughter twenties inside the amusement of children."
Witnesses said that the "father regarded sermon daughter of a young man a reward for honesty, in addition to his daughter admired Bashhamth also that the young man agreed to be rewarded marrying the girl."
Aden surprised philanthropist Yemeni Bnqad ideals famous "do good and cast it into the sea," when he stumbled on the handbag Women's expensive content lost girl in a park in Eden, and when he took it back to the accompanied surprised reward did not notify his pal, where initiated and the girl's father marry her off to him penalty rare honesty!
Old girl (25 years old), who lost her purse in the hustle of the park in which it had been for a good time on vacation, you do not know that it will return to the bag will become her husband along the lines of Indian romantic movies.
Musharraf said the park and handsome Odaini "The young and hip Khaliq Nasir (35 years) of the sons of Taiz found leather bag containing gold jewelry and money in the yard amusement children hours after informing the girl's father Mansour al-Absi (75 years) for the loss of bag his daughter."
He added in a statement to the official Yemeni media "that the young man got the girl's father did not expect reward, where the latter announced his engagement to his daughter twenties inside the amusement of children."
Witnesses said that the "father regarded sermon daughter of a young man a reward for honesty, in addition to his daughter admired Bashhamth also that the young man agreed to be rewarded marrying the girl."
giovedì 30 agosto 2012
منظمة الصحة العالمية: لهزيمة "دودة غينيا"
WHO: to defeat 'guinea worm'
August 29, 2012 13:16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
(Reuters) - GENEVA - Countdown to the elimination of the global Guinea worm disease, or dracunculosi, which could soon be declared the first parasitic disease ever eradicated without drugs or vaccines. In the first six months of 2012 were in fact reported 396 cases of dracunculosi compared to over 800 in the first six months of 2011, stressed the Organizzazioe World Health 'Organization (WHO) in Geneva. Over 90% of confirmed cases this year have hit the South Sudan.
August 29, 2012 13:16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
(Reuters) - GENEVA - Countdown to the elimination of the global Guinea worm disease, or dracunculosi, which could soon be declared the first parasitic disease ever eradicated without drugs or vaccines. In the first six months of 2012 were in fact reported 396 cases of dracunculosi compared to over 800 in the first six months of 2011, stressed the Organizzazioe World Health 'Organization (WHO) in Geneva. Over 90% of confirmed cases this year have hit the South Sudan.
منظمة الصحة العالمية: لهزيمة "دودة غينيا"
29 أغسطس 2012 13:16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
(رويترز) - جنيف - العد التنازلي للقضاء على دودة غينيا المرض العالمي، أو dracunculosi، والتي يمكن أن تعلن قريبا أول مرض طفيلي القضاء من أي وقت مضى دون أدوية أو لقاحات. في الأشهر الستة الأولى من عام 2012 كانت في واقع الأمر عن 396 قضية من dracunculosi مقارنة أكثر من 800 في الأشهر الستة الأولى من عام 2011، وشدد منظمة الصحة العالمية Organizzazioe "(WHO) في جنيف. أكثر من 90٪ من الحالات المؤكدة ضربت هذا العام في جنوب السودان.
29 أغسطس 2012 13:16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
(رويترز) - جنيف - العد التنازلي للقضاء على دودة غينيا المرض العالمي، أو dracunculosi، والتي يمكن أن تعلن قريبا أول مرض طفيلي القضاء من أي وقت مضى دون أدوية أو لقاحات. في الأشهر الستة الأولى من عام 2012 كانت في واقع الأمر عن 396 قضية من dracunculosi مقارنة أكثر من 800 في الأشهر الستة الأولى من عام 2011، وشدد منظمة الصحة العالمية Organizzazioe "(WHO) في جنيف. أكثر من 90٪ من الحالات المؤكدة ضربت هذا العام في جنوب السودان.
What Iran is doing in Sudan?
«Ahmadinejad and Omar al-Bashir»
08-30-2012 09:14 AM
Muhammad Arab - Director of the Office of Al-Arabiya in Bahrain
Says the news on the front page of the newspaper "criticism" of "Hezbollah" the Lebanese a military wings of the mandate Faqih of Iran, that their guide Ali Khamenei, has met with 300 young Sudanese studying in the possession of the name of Ayatollah Khomeini in Qom, this line bomber more than information is what concerns me personally. First let me admit that the information strange, because I and in spite of all my relationships strong with figures Sudanese known from the opposition and the government, and despite my visits repeated Sudan "unified and fragmented" I did not hear one day activity for a public mandate Faqih in Sudan, but the news leaked through documents diplomatic notes in more than one place to a close and complex, where sources indicate political that the two countries have maintained diplomatic relations and military ties, since the receipt of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to power in Sudan in 1989, and inferred observers on the health of this information visit of former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in December 1991, and the official visit to Khartoum, accompanied more than 150 Iranian official, and in that visit Iran vowed to pay $ 17 million in the form of financial assistance to Sudan, and conducted arrangements to help pay an additional $ 300 million dollars for weapons tray is sent to the Khartoum government, Iran has vowed to also provide one million tons of oil a year in economic aid, and emerged the political relationship remarkably when the issuance of the arrest warrant against President al-Bashir, where Iran is one of the countries supporting the Sudanese president, who faces charges by the International Criminal Court on war crimes committed in Darfur, According to political sources including different site "Wikileaks", Iran provide direct assistance to the Sudanese army in the war in the Darfur region. In 2008 the two governments signed the Iranian and Sudanese secret agreement in the field of security cooperation, the agreement gives the Iranian Revolutionary Guard under this Agreement the right to own training camps used to train groups "armed".
Last suspicions were after the collapse of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, where sources said the Western intelligence that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps seized dozens of rockets "Surface to Air" advanced Russian-made from Libya, and has smuggled across the border to Sudan, has captured this weapons and units of the Qods Force, which is the army's elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, while traveling to Libya from its base stationed southern Sudan.
These leaks coincided with statements of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan on the participation of members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and arrived in Sudan, to fight alongside the government army in the ongoing armed conflict in Southern Kordofan state.
The Unified Command has announced a Darfur rebel group, the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan then it shot down an Iranian drone aircraft "Ababil - 111" probably because it was under the control of Iranian technicians.
This monitoring fast for some leaks that prove the close relationship between Tehran and Khartoum, and of course, the State of South Sudan boys will be an appropriate place very military presence Iranian Alokhtabouti, because of South Sudan need to almost everything, and there is no system pays generously in order to expand its influence, such as Iranian regime.
Muhammad Arab - Director of the Office of Al-Arabiya in Bahrain
«Ahmadinejad and Omar al-Bashir»
08-30-2012 09:14 AM
Muhammad Arab - Director of the Office of Al-Arabiya in Bahrain
Says the news on the front page of the newspaper "criticism" of "Hezbollah" the Lebanese a military wings of the mandate Faqih of Iran, that their guide Ali Khamenei, has met with 300 young Sudanese studying in the possession of the name of Ayatollah Khomeini in Qom, this line bomber more than information is what concerns me personally. First let me admit that the information strange, because I and in spite of all my relationships strong with figures Sudanese known from the opposition and the government, and despite my visits repeated Sudan "unified and fragmented" I did not hear one day activity for a public mandate Faqih in Sudan, but the news leaked through documents diplomatic notes in more than one place to a close and complex, where sources indicate political that the two countries have maintained diplomatic relations and military ties, since the receipt of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to power in Sudan in 1989, and inferred observers on the health of this information visit of former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in December 1991, and the official visit to Khartoum, accompanied more than 150 Iranian official, and in that visit Iran vowed to pay $ 17 million in the form of financial assistance to Sudan, and conducted arrangements to help pay an additional $ 300 million dollars for weapons tray is sent to the Khartoum government, Iran has vowed to also provide one million tons of oil a year in economic aid, and emerged the political relationship remarkably when the issuance of the arrest warrant against President al-Bashir, where Iran is one of the countries supporting the Sudanese president, who faces charges by the International Criminal Court on war crimes committed in Darfur, According to political sources including different site "Wikileaks", Iran provide direct assistance to the Sudanese army in the war in the Darfur region. In 2008 the two governments signed the Iranian and Sudanese secret agreement in the field of security cooperation, the agreement gives the Iranian Revolutionary Guard under this Agreement the right to own training camps used to train groups "armed".
Last suspicions were after the collapse of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, where sources said the Western intelligence that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps seized dozens of rockets "Surface to Air" advanced Russian-made from Libya, and has smuggled across the border to Sudan, has captured this weapons and units of the Qods Force, which is the army's elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, while traveling to Libya from its base stationed southern Sudan.
These leaks coincided with statements of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan on the participation of members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and arrived in Sudan, to fight alongside the government army in the ongoing armed conflict in Southern Kordofan state.
The Unified Command has announced a Darfur rebel group, the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan then it shot down an Iranian drone aircraft "Ababil - 111" probably because it was under the control of Iranian technicians.
This monitoring fast for some leaks that prove the close relationship between Tehran and Khartoum, and of course, the State of South Sudan boys will be an appropriate place very military presence Iranian Alokhtabouti, because of South Sudan need to almost everything, and there is no system pays generously in order to expand its influence, such as Iranian regime.
Muhammad Arab - Director of the Office of Al-Arabiya in Bahrain
martedì 28 agosto 2012
Confrance .....of the People's Movement of Blue Nile State.
Leadership Council of the People's Movement concludes its meetings to a martyr Yousif Kuwa Mekki
Bashir party gang arrogant .. Strive to build a state based on the will of the people
08-28-2012 01:01 AM
Leadership Council of the People's Movement concludes meetings
Real Estate: fight for the construction of a state based on the desire of the Sudanese people
Sweet: orientations of the central authority in Sudan (racism) and the National Conference gang arrogant tyrannical power
Arman: any negotiation is subject to the delivery of humanitarian assistance and to investigate crimes committed by the regime in Khartoum
Liberated areas: service (MMC)
Under the slogan (unify the opposition Labor and overthrow the regime) held leadership council of the movement Sudan People's Liberation - North meeting base martyr Yousif Kuwa Mekki included alongside members of the Leadership Council departments civilian and civil officials in regard humanitarian and leaders high in the SPLA and representatives of women, youth and students and displaced people. Arman, drug and sweet]
And mortgage SPLM Chairman and Commander of the People's Army team landlord Air Addressing usher meetings to resolve the crisis Sudanese Bhlhalh national issues, and carry systems that came to rule Sudan responsibility of each Aharobac said that these regimes have failed to manage diversity and the SPLM will address this imbalance establishing the constitutional convention The reformulation of the Sudanese state on a new basis based on the wishes of the Sudanese people. confirmed drug need for the unit confederation between the states of Sudan and South Sudan after the overthrow of the National Congress, stressing the contribution of members of the popular movement at home in any popular uprising will be decided by a strong opposition, and explained a property that the SPLM will remain tolerant, and will seek to establish a state of law and will be where people are equal in all rights and duties to overlook the discharge regimes that ruled Sudan since 1956, and stressed that the current meeting would put a detailed plan to complete alliances between strong opposition to overthrow the regime and to the SPLM duties with all strong other to accomplish this task, and said property that the SPLM will work to strengthen the revolutionary front payment about مذيد of achievements and work together, "that the RUF was found to keep the lead and win.
For his part, Vice President of the Popular Movement Army Chief of Staff SPLA team Abdul Aziz Adam sweet that the Khartoum regime يستمد legitimacy of oppression and prevail and claim authorization Communion and marginalization, and that the system will not leave a space for dialogue, and description sweet orientations central authority in Khartoum b (racism) , said that the National Congress gang arrogant tyrannical power, and confirmed that Bashir had to cancel the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) when he refused to diversity in Gedaref, and the National Congress refused to implement the protocol security arrangements, and said sweet that the Khartoum regime was believed that southern secession would weaken the SPLM in North and this مادفع system to try stripping EP of arms before the popular consultation, and vivid sweet struggles SPLA said that the SPLA dominated (60) garrison after only one month of the outbreak of war in a region the Nuba Mountains, and announced Sweet join (150) of employees of the armed forces during the month of August the current full their equipment military to the People's Army, and mocked Foundation National Congress military, and said that the Khartoum regime has even experienced officers of the armed forces that they have acquired through their wars long against citizens, and new sweet invitation to the Sudanese people need to work by all means to drop National Congress system.
The sweet regularity Meetings of Staff Army, and added that "the body adopted several measures and has already begun to implement its joint (SPLA and political structures) and carry out their duties at the Revolutionary Front especially the Chief of Staff of the People's Army is the commander of the Joint Chiefs front revolutionary, and said sweet to attack summer next to troops National Congress is not doomed to fail, but also that our troops will shake the regime - as he put it - and it grew "our preparations are in full swing to do field work jointly within the framework of the Revolutionary Front has not seen the battlefields before," We fully briefed on the status of the National Congress of military, political and economic.
The secretary general of the People's Movement - Deputy Prime CCAMLR Staff directing team Yasser Arman, the SPLM do not know is impossible and that it had succeeded in developing itself and continued to struggle despite the odds. He stressed that the SPLM in the north will liberate Sudan will hold good relations with the state of South Sudan, "This relationship will be for the benefit of the Sudanese people, and said that the SPLM has existed in the north despite the violence and oppression pursued by state institutions in Sudan, and systems center did not respect the diversity of Sudan, However, "a vision of the New Sudan is the only gathering of Sudanese in various orientations, ethnicities and attitudes Geographic, The Arman that the SPLM decided to be an opposition party in the state of South Kordofan after the announcement of the election results fraudulent, but the National Congress tried stripping EP of arms and pointed to Close National Congress offices of the SPLM in the north and detained a large number of organic SPLM, Arman said that the National Congress live worst cases is that Darfur is witnessing events and rapid developments and demonstrations carried out in more than forty towns and villages in the north, and that the system National Congress has arrested more than ( 3000) of activist youth and student cadres in Khartoum.
And reduced Arman from threats Khartoum said that the prayer of Bashir even in the Republican Palace will be difficult in the coming days let alone Kauda and Yabous, said that the SPLM succeeded in establishing (14) Office abroad to bring the message of the New Sudan and to address attempts National Congress on the international level / diplomat.
The Arman detailed presentation of the political and humanitarian and its implications, and the issues of organizational structure since the disengagement, and plans future building SPLM and its political, regulatory and civil administration and development work in three fronts (Front liberated areas, front covert action and front Diaspora), next to political alliances, particularly the Revolutionary Front and external relations and negotiation, and the new plan for the next round of negotiations, which must support the demands of the Sudanese people in democracy and change and hope for a decent living, and that the SPLM will strongly support youth and women's movements and new students union and liberation from the grip of the National Conference.
The new participants in meeting their willingness to continue the armed struggle until the overthrow of the National Congress.
And follow-ups indicate that the Leadership Council has been terminated meetings this evening and issued a number of important decisions.
Base martyr Yousif Kuwa Mekki
August 27, 2012
Bashir party gang arrogant .. Strive to build a state based on the will of the people
08-28-2012 01:01 AM
Leadership Council of the People's Movement concludes meetings
Real Estate: fight for the construction of a state based on the desire of the Sudanese people
Sweet: orientations of the central authority in Sudan (racism) and the National Conference gang arrogant tyrannical power
Arman: any negotiation is subject to the delivery of humanitarian assistance and to investigate crimes committed by the regime in Khartoum
Liberated areas: service (MMC)
Under the slogan (unify the opposition Labor and overthrow the regime) held leadership council of the movement Sudan People's Liberation - North meeting base martyr Yousif Kuwa Mekki included alongside members of the Leadership Council departments civilian and civil officials in regard humanitarian and leaders high in the SPLA and representatives of women, youth and students and displaced people. Arman, drug and sweet]
And mortgage SPLM Chairman and Commander of the People's Army team landlord Air Addressing usher meetings to resolve the crisis Sudanese Bhlhalh national issues, and carry systems that came to rule Sudan responsibility of each Aharobac said that these regimes have failed to manage diversity and the SPLM will address this imbalance establishing the constitutional convention The reformulation of the Sudanese state on a new basis based on the wishes of the Sudanese people. confirmed drug need for the unit confederation between the states of Sudan and South Sudan after the overthrow of the National Congress, stressing the contribution of members of the popular movement at home in any popular uprising will be decided by a strong opposition, and explained a property that the SPLM will remain tolerant, and will seek to establish a state of law and will be where people are equal in all rights and duties to overlook the discharge regimes that ruled Sudan since 1956, and stressed that the current meeting would put a detailed plan to complete alliances between strong opposition to overthrow the regime and to the SPLM duties with all strong other to accomplish this task, and said property that the SPLM will work to strengthen the revolutionary front payment about مذيد of achievements and work together, "that the RUF was found to keep the lead and win.
For his part, Vice President of the Popular Movement Army Chief of Staff SPLA team Abdul Aziz Adam sweet that the Khartoum regime يستمد legitimacy of oppression and prevail and claim authorization Communion and marginalization, and that the system will not leave a space for dialogue, and description sweet orientations central authority in Khartoum b (racism) , said that the National Congress gang arrogant tyrannical power, and confirmed that Bashir had to cancel the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) when he refused to diversity in Gedaref, and the National Congress refused to implement the protocol security arrangements, and said sweet that the Khartoum regime was believed that southern secession would weaken the SPLM in North and this مادفع system to try stripping EP of arms before the popular consultation, and vivid sweet struggles SPLA said that the SPLA dominated (60) garrison after only one month of the outbreak of war in a region the Nuba Mountains, and announced Sweet join (150) of employees of the armed forces during the month of August the current full their equipment military to the People's Army, and mocked Foundation National Congress military, and said that the Khartoum regime has even experienced officers of the armed forces that they have acquired through their wars long against citizens, and new sweet invitation to the Sudanese people need to work by all means to drop National Congress system.
The sweet regularity Meetings of Staff Army, and added that "the body adopted several measures and has already begun to implement its joint (SPLA and political structures) and carry out their duties at the Revolutionary Front especially the Chief of Staff of the People's Army is the commander of the Joint Chiefs front revolutionary, and said sweet to attack summer next to troops National Congress is not doomed to fail, but also that our troops will shake the regime - as he put it - and it grew "our preparations are in full swing to do field work jointly within the framework of the Revolutionary Front has not seen the battlefields before," We fully briefed on the status of the National Congress of military, political and economic.
The secretary general of the People's Movement - Deputy Prime CCAMLR Staff directing team Yasser Arman, the SPLM do not know is impossible and that it had succeeded in developing itself and continued to struggle despite the odds. He stressed that the SPLM in the north will liberate Sudan will hold good relations with the state of South Sudan, "This relationship will be for the benefit of the Sudanese people, and said that the SPLM has existed in the north despite the violence and oppression pursued by state institutions in Sudan, and systems center did not respect the diversity of Sudan, However, "a vision of the New Sudan is the only gathering of Sudanese in various orientations, ethnicities and attitudes Geographic, The Arman that the SPLM decided to be an opposition party in the state of South Kordofan after the announcement of the election results fraudulent, but the National Congress tried stripping EP of arms and pointed to Close National Congress offices of the SPLM in the north and detained a large number of organic SPLM, Arman said that the National Congress live worst cases is that Darfur is witnessing events and rapid developments and demonstrations carried out in more than forty towns and villages in the north, and that the system National Congress has arrested more than ( 3000) of activist youth and student cadres in Khartoum.
And reduced Arman from threats Khartoum said that the prayer of Bashir even in the Republican Palace will be difficult in the coming days let alone Kauda and Yabous, said that the SPLM succeeded in establishing (14) Office abroad to bring the message of the New Sudan and to address attempts National Congress on the international level / diplomat.
The Arman detailed presentation of the political and humanitarian and its implications, and the issues of organizational structure since the disengagement, and plans future building SPLM and its political, regulatory and civil administration and development work in three fronts (Front liberated areas, front covert action and front Diaspora), next to political alliances, particularly the Revolutionary Front and external relations and negotiation, and the new plan for the next round of negotiations, which must support the demands of the Sudanese people in democracy and change and hope for a decent living, and that the SPLM will strongly support youth and women's movements and new students union and liberation from the grip of the National Conference.
The new participants in meeting their willingness to continue the armed struggle until the overthrow of the National Congress.
And follow-ups indicate that the Leadership Council has been terminated meetings this evening and issued a number of important decisions.
Base martyr Yousif Kuwa Mekki
August 27, 2012
lunedì 27 agosto 2012
لماذ الحرب يا سيادة الريس ٠٠٠
النيل الازرق : اشتباك بين الشرطة ومليشيات حزب البشير،، مواطنو كرمة يهاجمون مركزا للشرطة لاطلاق جزار.
08-27-2012 04:05 AM
عبد الرحمن نور الدائم التوم
** قامت مجموعة من قوات الشرطة بمدينة قيسان مساء الخميس 23/8/2012م بالهجوم علي معسكر لمجندي الدفاع الشعبي وبعد تبادل لاطلاق النار بالاسلحة الخفيفة اصيب احد مجندي الدفاع الشعبي في مقتل داخل المعسكر , هذا وقد تمكنت المجموعة المدافعة عن مواقعها من الاستيلاء علي سيارة لاندكروزر محملة بدوشكا بعد ان لازت مجموعة قوات الشرطة بالفرار جنوبا نــــــحو المركز الرئيسي للشرطة داخل مدينة قيسان علي الضفة الشرقية لخور تمت .
* وتأتي هذه التطورات الخطيرة في منطقة حساسة للغاية , علي خلفية حساسيات قديمة وتراكمات لاستفزازات متبادلة من الطرفين منذ فترة طويلة حيث اشارت المعلومات الواردة من قيسان الي افراد الشرطة وصفوا مجندي الدفاع الشعبي بالمليشيات الامر الذي ادي الي انفجار الوضع ووفاة احد مجندي الدفاع الشعبي الشاب {ايمن حسن علي } من منطقة {الياس }
* هذا وقد توجهت صباح الجمعة 24/8/2012م من الدمازين قيادات الشرطة والدفاع الشعبي لاحتواء الموقف المتأزم, ولقد تمت السطيرة للاوضاع ولكن ماتزال تداعيات الحادث المؤلم تلقي بظلالها علي المدينة بأسرها وليس علي الطرفين فحسب .
**وفي سياق منفصل وعلي الضفة الشرقية للنيل الازرق جنوب محلية الروصيرص وبالتحديد في قريــــــة { كرمــــة } الوادعــــــة اندلعت الاحداث وتطورت وتــسارعت بصورة دراماتيكية بين مواطني القرية واحد افراد الامن الذي كان متواجدا في مركز الشرطة حسب الرواية الرسمية عندما هاجم المواطنين مركز الشرطة لاطلاق سراح احد المواطنين يعمل جزارا وضعه احد افراد الشرطة في الحبس منذ ظهر الجمعة 24/8/2012م لاصراره بيع اللحمة للشرطي بنفس سعر البيع للمواطنين , ولقد اسفرت الاحداث عن قتل ثلاثة مواطنين ابرياء وجرح خمسة اخرين مازالوا بمستشفي الدمازين وقتل فرد الامن ويدعي {محمد احمد } من الجزيرة حنتوب باعيرة نارية في رجله الشمال ورقبته وهو الذي اطلق النار علي المواطنين .صباح السبت 25/8/2012م
** لكن هناك رواية اخري افادت ان الاحداث وقعت نتيجة لمشادة كلامية بين المواطنين واحد افراد الامن بخصوص عدم اكتمال الخدمات الاساسية في المدينة رقم {1} وخاصة مباني سوق الخضار والجزارة , بغض النظر عن الاسباب ومسرح بداية الاحداث , فان النتيجة هي ازهاق لارواح بريئة.
هذا وقد هرع لموقع الاحداث في قرية {كرمة} مسؤولي محلية الروصيرص وقيادت شرطية وامنية , وارسلت تعزيزات عسكرية لاحتواء الاوضاع والتحكم والسيطرة ,تحسبا لاي انفلات امني في المنطقة الشرقية ,وفي هذا الاطار تم اغلاق المنطقة ومنع السفر من الروصيرص الي المنطقة الجنوبية بأسرها السبت , لكن صباح الاحد عادت الحركة الي طبيعتها
*وفي منطقة {القري} اغتال عمال {اثيوبيون } مزارعا يدعي {عبد الله } كانوا يعملون لديه في مشروعه الزراعي بالاسلحة البيضاء والاستيلاء علي امواله ولازوا بالفرار .
ويذكر ان القتيل ذهب الي المشروع قبل العيد بيومين اي يوم الجمعة 17/8/2012م مـــــــــن قريته { العزازة } الواقعة الي الشرق من منطقة قنيص شرق بمحلية الروصيرص ’ علي بعد اقل من عشرة كيلومتر, وذلك لتصريف عماله من الاثيوبين الذين كانوا متواجدين في المزرعة بعد ذهاب العمال السودانيين الي ذويهم لقضاء عطلة العيد مع اسرهم . ويبدو ان المجني عليه كان بحوزته اموال طائلة اغرت هؤلاء الجناة لارتكاب هذه الجريمة البشعة .
* والادهي والامر في اوضاع ولاية النيل الازرق , ومن المفارقات الغريبة والعجيبة ان التدهور والانفلات الامني الذي شهدته مناطق ومحليات الولاية ايام عيد الفــــــطر المبارك جري داخل الحزام الامني للحكومة اي في المناطق الواقعة تحت سيطرة القوات الحكومية , مما ادي الي ترويع المواطنين العزل , وللأسف الشديد في قيسان كان بين قوتين تابعتين للحكومة الشرطة الموحدة والدفاع الشعبي ,ويبدو ان فرد الامن الذي قتل في { كرمة} اصيب برصاص احد مجندي الدفاع الشعبي من مواطني المنطقة {الهوسا}
War again no peace in Blue Nile Sate!!
Blue Nile: a clash between the police and the Hezbollah militia al-Bashir, the citizens of the vine attacking a police station to launch a butcher.
08-27-2012 04:05 AMAbdul Rahman Nour Permanent Toum
* A group of police forces in Geissan pm Thursday, 23/8/2012 attack on a camp for recruits PDF and after an exchange of small-arms fire wounded one PDF recruits killed inside the camp, this group has been able to advocate for their positions to seize the car of Land Cruiser loaded Bdochka after Azat a police fled south toward the police headquarters within the city Geissan on the east bank of the creek was.
* These developments come serious in a very sensitive area, against the backdrop of sensitivities old and accumulations of provocations reciprocal parties long ago where indicated information from Geissan to police described the recruits PDF militias which led to the explosion of the situation and the death of one recruits PDF young {Ayman Hassan Ali} {Elias area}
* This morning went Friday, 24/8/2012 Damazin police leaders and the popular defense to contain the situation tense, and've been Alstirh to conditions but still painful repercussions of the incident cast a shadow on the entire city and not only on the parties.
* In the context of a separate and on the east bank of the Blue Nile south local Roseires and specifically in the village of {vine} الوادعة erupted events and evolved and accelerated dramatically between the citizens of the village and one security personnel who was present at the police station by the official story when he attacked citizens the police station for the release of one of the citizens works as a butcher and put a policeman in custody since noon Friday, 24/8/2012 m for insisting sale weft of a policeman in the same sale price for citizens, and has resulted in the events for the killing of three innocent citizens and the wounding of five others are still hospital Damazin and killed everyone security and claims {Mohamed Ahmed} of the island Hantoub gunshot wounds in the leg north and neck who opened fire on the citizens. morning of Saturday, 25/8/2012
* But there is another version reported that the events occurred as a result of an altercation between citizens and one security personnel regarding non-completion of basic services in the city No. {1} and private buildings vegetable market and butcher, regardless of the reasons theater early events, the result is loss of the innocent lives.
This has been rushed to the scene in the village of {vine} officials local Roseires and Kiedt police and security, and reinforcements have been sent to contain the situation and command and control, in anticipation of any loose security in the eastern region, and in this context was closed area and prevent travel of Roseires to the southern region as a whole Saturday, but Sunday morning traffic returned to normal* In the area of {} assassinated villages Ethiopian workers {} farmer claims {Abdullah} were working for him in his arms agricultural white and the seizure of his money and Azua away.
The victim went to the project two days before Eid any day Friday, 17/8/2012 from his village {Aezzazh} located to the east of the area Guenis East Locality Roseires' less than ten miles, so as to discharge workers of Alatioubin who were present at the farm after Sudanese workers go to their families to spend the holiday with their families. It seems that the victim was in possession of big money lured these offenders to commit this heinous crime.
* Worse and it in the conditions of the Blue Nile State, ironically exotic and bizarre that deterioration and lawlessness witnessed regions and localities mandate day Eid al-Fitr happened inside the security zone to the government of any in the areas under the control of government forces, leading to terrorize unarmed citizens, unfortunately in Geissan was between two subsidiaries of the Unified Government police and the popular defense, and it seems that everyone who was killed in a security vine {} was shot by one of the recruits PDF of the citizens of the region Hausa {}
08-27-2012 04:05 AMAbdul Rahman Nour Permanent Toum
* A group of police forces in Geissan pm Thursday, 23/8/2012 attack on a camp for recruits PDF and after an exchange of small-arms fire wounded one PDF recruits killed inside the camp, this group has been able to advocate for their positions to seize the car of Land Cruiser loaded Bdochka after Azat a police fled south toward the police headquarters within the city Geissan on the east bank of the creek was.
* These developments come serious in a very sensitive area, against the backdrop of sensitivities old and accumulations of provocations reciprocal parties long ago where indicated information from Geissan to police described the recruits PDF militias which led to the explosion of the situation and the death of one recruits PDF young {Ayman Hassan Ali} {Elias area}
* This morning went Friday, 24/8/2012 Damazin police leaders and the popular defense to contain the situation tense, and've been Alstirh to conditions but still painful repercussions of the incident cast a shadow on the entire city and not only on the parties.
* In the context of a separate and on the east bank of the Blue Nile south local Roseires and specifically in the village of {vine} الوادعة erupted events and evolved and accelerated dramatically between the citizens of the village and one security personnel who was present at the police station by the official story when he attacked citizens the police station for the release of one of the citizens works as a butcher and put a policeman in custody since noon Friday, 24/8/2012 m for insisting sale weft of a policeman in the same sale price for citizens, and has resulted in the events for the killing of three innocent citizens and the wounding of five others are still hospital Damazin and killed everyone security and claims {Mohamed Ahmed} of the island Hantoub gunshot wounds in the leg north and neck who opened fire on the citizens. morning of Saturday, 25/8/2012
* But there is another version reported that the events occurred as a result of an altercation between citizens and one security personnel regarding non-completion of basic services in the city No. {1} and private buildings vegetable market and butcher, regardless of the reasons theater early events, the result is loss of the innocent lives.
This has been rushed to the scene in the village of {vine} officials local Roseires and Kiedt police and security, and reinforcements have been sent to contain the situation and command and control, in anticipation of any loose security in the eastern region, and in this context was closed area and prevent travel of Roseires to the southern region as a whole Saturday, but Sunday morning traffic returned to normal* In the area of {} assassinated villages Ethiopian workers {} farmer claims {Abdullah} were working for him in his arms agricultural white and the seizure of his money and Azua away.
The victim went to the project two days before Eid any day Friday, 17/8/2012 from his village {Aezzazh} located to the east of the area Guenis East Locality Roseires' less than ten miles, so as to discharge workers of Alatioubin who were present at the farm after Sudanese workers go to their families to spend the holiday with their families. It seems that the victim was in possession of big money lured these offenders to commit this heinous crime.
* Worse and it in the conditions of the Blue Nile State, ironically exotic and bizarre that deterioration and lawlessness witnessed regions and localities mandate day Eid al-Fitr happened inside the security zone to the government of any in the areas under the control of government forces, leading to terrorize unarmed citizens, unfortunately in Geissan was between two subsidiaries of the Unified Government police and the popular defense, and it seems that everyone who was killed in a security vine {} was shot by one of the recruits PDF of the citizens of the region Hausa {}

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